Información sobre GRUPO EMPRESARIAL VILLALVAZO instancia de Flectra, el ERP de código abierto.

Aplicaciones instaladas

Gestionar la contabilidad financiera y analítica.
Vendor PriceList Management Interface
This provides easy interface to manage vendor pricelists. This extesion provide better user interface for viewing pricing and comparing vendor prices of product on the go. Keywords pricelist management price list management price management vendor price management different price management compare price
Employee Number
Odoo app will add Employee Number on Employee screen
flectra Community Mobile App
The flectra Community Mobile App is a Free and publicly available app, you do not have to ask or request to use it, App is tested from flectra11 to the latest version and it supports the flectra community, flectra enterprises, flectra online, and everything, to use this app make sure your flectra has proper mobile responsive UI, especially for the community version.
Show/Hide Password
Show/Hide Password in login screen, View Password Login Page, Show Password Login Page, Hide Password Login Page, Web Responsive login, Odoo Web Login Page, Web backend login, Odoo login, Web Odoo Login Page Odoo Page Login, Web Responsive SignIn, Odoo Web SignIn Page, Web backend SignIn, Odoo SignUp Page, Odoo SignIn Page, Odoo login Odoo, Sign-up Odoo, SignUp Form Login, Odoo SignIn screen, Web Responsive SignIn, Odoo Web SignIn Page, Web backend SignIn, Toggle Password SignUp Page, Odoo SignIn Page, Odoo Authentication Screen, Customize Login Page, Show/Hide Password in sign in screen, View Password SignIn Page, Show Password SignUp Page, Hide Password SignIn Page
Product Dimensions
Provide Product Dimensions Option for products.
De presupuestos a facturas
Facturas y pagos
Seguimiento de clientes potenciales y oportunidades próximas
🌐 Sitio Web :
Constructor de sitio web empresarial
Gestione sus actividades de stock y logística.
Órdenes de compra, licitaciones y acuerdos.
Punto de venta
Interfaz de PdV amigable para usuarios para tiendas y restaurantes
Organiza y planea tus proyectos
Comercio electrónico
Venda sus productos online
Fabricar Órdenes & Listas de Materiales
Marketing por email
Diseñar, enviar y gestionar correos electrónicos
Asigne días libres y siga las solicitudes de días libres
Proceso de Selección
Seguimiento al flujo de reclutamiento
Centralice la información de los empleados
Agreements Legal
Manage Agreements, LOI and Contracts
Auto Check Fields
Inherit functionallity from checklist and add autocheck
Project Template
This apps helps to make project as template and make new project from the Template
🔌 CFE Files :
Permite al usuario subir comprobantes de cfe del cliente
Modificaciones Varias
Make Accesible Button to Analytic Accounts and More
CP Search
Extends Fields For Contacts
CRM Bulb
Replace Priority Stars With Bulbs
CRM Lead Days
Lleva el control en tiempo real de los dias en tus tarjetas
CRM Status
Add Status To Crm Leads
Custom Char Reports
Easy Chart Reports
Custom Invoice
This Module Modify Quotations
Change Name For RS
Cambiar Datos de Facturacion
Custom Reports CRM
Permite Generar Reportes en linea sobre sus estadisticas en CRM
Número de Cliente :
Add Custom Number to Your Clients
Beautiful Powerful Dashboards
Beautiful powerful dashboards
Beautiful Powerful Dashboards (Bundle)
Beautiful powerful dashboards (bundle)
Document Management System
Document Management System for Flectra
Dollar Crawler
Get Actual Dollar Price
Filter CRM Dates
Custom Filter Dates CRM
HCS Attendance Report
Print Attendance Report for Employees
Productos de Interés
Agrega un campo en crm, que le permite al usuario agregar los productos de interes del cliente
Joint Calendar
The tool to combine different Odoo events in a few configurable super calendars. Shared calendar. Common calendar.
CRM Activity Configurator
Auto schedule activity for different stages and make them enable mandatory to be close before stage move to another and can be configure for any stage with different no. of activities with and without mandatory to be closed.
Lead Creator
Create in any model
Lock Contacts Duplicate
Prevent Duplicate Contacts
Lost Reason
Describe The Reason Why
Segumiento a equipo y administración de solicitudes de mantenimiento
Make Portal Access
Make Portal Access To Your Customers
Menu Lucion
Change Menu To Adapt Lucion
Module Builder
Module Builder
Directory Buttons
Shortcuts For Organizing Your Contacts
Project colors
Add Bakground Colors To Projects
Mail Messages Easy. Show all messages, Show sent messages, Reply to message, Forward message, Archive message, Delete Undelete message, Quote message, Move message
Read and manage all Odoo messages in one place!
Random Changes
Random Changes
Recurring Activities
The tool to plan and generate recurring activities according to the flexible timetable rules
Reference Partner
Remplaza un campo Char por un Many2one del campo referred
Reportes de Proyecto
Reporte de etapas para proyectos
Required Fieds CRM
Required Fields CRM
Activity Management | Activity Dashboard | Activity Monitoring | Activity Views
schedule activity management Mail Activity Board daily to do management to do list crm activity management sale activity management
Sales Executives Targets
1] This module will help to assign the targets to sales Executives 2] Will Get Executives Target Reports
Account Statement | Customer Account Statement | Customer Overdue Statement | Vendor Bank Statement | Vendor Bank Overdue Statement
Bank Statement, Customer Bank Statement,Supplier Statement,Vendor Statement,Overdue Statement,Print Customer Statement Report,Print Vendor Statement,Payment Reminder,customer payment followup, Odoo
Show Source Crm
Type Contact
Define Contact Type Automatically
UTM Security
UTM Security
Gestiona y publica en una plataforma eLearning
Publique eventos, venda entradas
Chat, puerta de enlace al correo y canales privados
Centralice su libreta de direcciones
Programa las reuniones de empleados
Gestiona tu flota y rastrea los costes de los vehículos
Cree encuestas y analice las respuestas
Cree sus propios tableros
Reparaciones para Clientes
Reparar productos dañados
Segumiento a asistencias de empleados
Administración de habilidades
Gestione habilidades, conocimiento y el currículum de sus empleados
Treball en línia
Gestione su proceso de contratación online.
Contratos de los empleados
Employee Contracts Types
Tipo de contrato en contratos
MercadoPago Payment Acquirer
Payment Acquirer: MercadoPago Implementation
Medio de pago Paypal
Medio de pago: Implementación Paypal
Método de pago Stripe
Medio de pago: Implementación Stripe

Localizaciones / plan de cuentas instalados

Localización base LATAM
Tipos de identificación LATAM
Genérico - Contabilidad
Documento LATAM
Tipos de documentos LATAM
México - Contabilidad